This constitution is drafted in Auckland on the 14th March 2021.
The name of the society is the Auckland United Oromo Community Incorporated.
The objects of the Auckland United Oromo Community shall be:
2.1. To organise and represent all Oromo people who are living in Auckland.
2.2. To assist Oromo people to solve their problems and to fulfil their needs.
2.3. To improve the quality of life of the Oromo people in Auckland.
2.4. To assist the Oromo people to adapt to New Zealand culture as well as to share Oromo culture with New Zealanders.
2.5. To sponsor Oromo refugees who are suffering in refugee camps.
2.6. To work towards improving the education and development of the Oromo people in Auckland.
2.7. To provide a forum for the interchange of ideas and information on all issues affecting the Oromo people in Auckland.
2.8. To undertake any action considered necessary on the advice of its members in attaining the objectives above.
To further the above charitable objects, the community shall have the following powers:
3.1. To purchase, lease hire out or otherwise acquire any real or personal property.
3.2. To sell, let, mortgage, hire out or otherwise dispose of or deal with any of the property or assets of the community.
3.3. To borrow, raise or invest money on such terms as may be thought fit.
3.4. To do all such other things which will further the charitable objects of the community within New Zealand.
4.1. Any member of the Oromo tribe in Auckland and surrounding area shall be eligible to become a Member of the community.
4.2. Any person who is the partner of a Member of the Oromo tribe can be a member.
4.3. Each Member is required to pay a membership fee of $20 per year.
5.1. Any person can withdraw from the community whenever he/she decides by writing to the committee.
5.2. If, in the opinion of the committee, any member has acted in a manner that is harmful to the Community, that member may be expelled by the following process:
a) The committee advises the person of the behaviour that needs to change.
b) If the problem continued the committee issues a written warning.
c) If the problem still continues the member is expelled by a resolution of the committee.
6.1. The Committee shall, in each calendar year, convene two General Meetings of its Members (one of which shall be an Annual General Meeting).
6.2. The Annual General Meeting shall be held within 30 days of the end of the financial year on such a day as the Committee determines.
6.3. The notice should state the business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting which shall be:
a) To confirm the minutes of the last preceding General Meeting.
b) To receive the presidents annual report which outlines the activities of the committee during the preceding financial year;
c) To elect the Administrative Committee
d) To receive and approve the audited accounts;
e) To elect an auditor
f) Other principal business to be conducted.
6.4. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time to deal with any affairs which the committee may wish to place before members of the community.
6.5. Written notice of a Special General Meeting, and the business to be transacted at the meeting, shall be given to members of the community at least one week before the date the Special General Meeting.
7.1. No item of business shall be transacted at the General Meeting unless a quorum of Members entitled under these rules to vote is present during the time of the meeting
7.2. Two third of the member of the community constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a General Meeting.
7.3. If within 30 minutes of the meeting commencement time a quorum is not present the meeting shall be adjourned for two weeks
7.4. Any Member has one vote only.
7.5. All votes shall be casted personally or by proxy or by postal ballot.
7.6. The president is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote.
7.7. Each Member shall be entitled to appoint another Member as his or her proxy by notice given to the secretary not later than 24 hours before the commencement of the Meeting
8.1. The Administrative Committee shall consist of 7 Members one of who will be elected to the committee as a cultural advisor and another as a woman representative
8.2. Any person who is not Oromo by his/her tribe cannot be elected as a Committee Member.
8.3. A member can only be elected to the Committee if he/she has regularly attended General Meetings and has made regular membership fee payments
8.4. Administrative Committee:
a) shall control and manage the affairs of the Community
b) has power to perform all such acts and things as appear to the committee to be essential for the proper management of the affairs of the community
c) is primarily responsible to carry out the establishment of policies set at Annual General Meetings and any other General Meetings.
8.5. The Administrative Committee shall elect the President, Vice president, Secretary and Treasurer
8.6. Administrative Committee Meeting shall be held once each month at such place and times as the committee may determine.
8.7. The quorum of the Administrative Committee shall be 4 members of the committee.
8.8. No business shall be transacted unless a quorum is present and if within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present the meeting shall be stand adjourned to an agreed time and place.
9.1. The president shall:
a) Preside at all Annual General Meetings, Special General Meetings and Committee Meetings of the Community
b) Attend to correspondence for the Community
9.2. The secretary shall:
a) Prepare the agenda and record minutes of all resolutions along with attendance, and proceedings of each Committee Meeting, Annual General Meeting of the community
b) Distribute the minutes;
c) Maintain a register of members of the community
d) Keeps in his/her control all books, documents and securities of the community
e) Prepare all necessary documentation for the correspondence of the president
9.3. The Treasurer shall:
a) Collect and receive all money due to the community, open and operate bank accounts, make all payments authorised by the committee.
b) Keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Community with full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the Community which books shall be available for inspection by the members of the community
c) Prepare a financial statement for each committee meeting;
d) Prepare all necessary documentation for the auditors;
e) Prepare a Financial Report for presentation the Annual General Meeting
9.4. All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes, and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by the Treasurer and either the President or the Secretary
9.5. The common seal of the Community shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary
9.6. The common seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the committee and the affixing of the common seal shall be attested by the signature of 2 members of the committee.
9.7. The common seal of the Auckland United Oromo Community incorporated has been replaced with the symbol of ‘Odaa Tree” which represent the Oromo social tradition.
The constitution may be altered by the resolution of the General Meeting of the Community passed by the two-third of the members of the community being entitled to vote whether in person or by proxy of which 30 days’ notice of the proposed alteration has been given
11.1. Nothing in the constitution shall be deemed to permit the community to be carried on for purposes of profit or financial gain to its members or to permit its income, money, property or assets to be applied for the purposes of profit or financial gain to its members. This shall not prevent the payment of reasonable remuneration to any officer or employee of the community or to any member for any services performed by them for the community.
11.2. The funds of the community shall be derived from grants and donations and such other sources and activities as the committee determines.
12.1. The Community may be wound up if at the General Meeting, it Members pass a resolution to do so and appoint one or more liquidators to wind up the Community’s affairs.
12.2. This resolution must be confirmed at a subsequent General Meeting which has been called for that specific purpose and is held not earlier than 30 days after the original resolution was passed.
12.3. Any surplus assets shall be distributed to other societies or organisations with similar charitable aims within New Zealand and shall be determined by the members at the subsequent General Meeting to confirm the resolution to wind up the community